We are here for you, serving our community.


Joseph’s Ministry

In remembrance of our beloved brother Joseph we reach out to the homeless in our community. We hit the streets and share the love of Jesus to those who may feel lost, rejected or unloved. Our goal is to love all people by sharing some basic items. We have travel bags ready for anyone that needs it. If you’d like to bless this ministry we accept ramen, Vienna sausage, meat sticks, pop top soups, crackers, waters, hygiene products and small pop up tents. If you’d like to be a part of this ministry we’d love to hear from you.

Be Blessed Ministry

We want to be a blessing to our community. As we have been given we want to freely give to others. If you or someone you know in the community are struggling please reach out to us. If you would like to donate to others struggling in our community please contact us to find out how you can help. As we receive financial donations dedicated to this ministry we can bless others.

Families feeding families

We dedicate our time and kitchens to feed others on Thanksgiving Day. We want to ensure everyone in Valencia county that doesn’t have the ability or finances to have a traditional meal on Thanksgiving day can be blessed with a plate. If you or someone you know in Valencia county could benefit from a home cooked meal on Thanksgiving day call us. If you’d like to bless us with food during the months of October and November we will accept it. Please call us to find out how you can give your time, cooking talents or donations to feed our community with a proper Thanksgiving meal. After we deliver the plates to everyone that has called we hit the streets and bless the homeless with a Thanksgiving plate and the love of Jesus.

Mobile Food Boxes

Every Monday we deliver food boxes to Los Lunas and Belen residents. If you need a box you can sign up on our Facebook page or call us to let us know the Sunday before distribution.


Agape Tree

During Christmas it is our heart to bless children that may not be as fortunate as others to receive gifts at Christmas time. From our loving donors who dedicate a set amount to spend on a child they are paired with. They can purchase gifts for a child or teen and participate in watching their excitement when they open their gifts. If you would like to be a blessing at Christmas time please contact us to learn more.



Tutors certified via Valencia County Literacy Council available for basic adult literacy, family literacy, English as a second language, citizenship or child restraint education. Our goal is to help students attain their literacy goals and provide a smooth transition for all into higher programs or higher education.